by Danny | Nov 7, 2016 | Physical Guitar Components |
Hi Mike, I’m fairly new to all of this and want to start busking and playing small gigs. I currently own a single input guitar amp. My question is, am I able to turn this into a multi input amplifier to feed both vocals and guitar through, and if so what is the... by Angela | Nov 3, 2016 | Technique |
Hi Mike, Whats the correct technique for finger picking using I and M Thanks Ange by Tom | Oct 31, 2016 | Technique |
Hi Mike I’m finding that my chord changes aren’t happening quick enough. Any tips? Cheers Tom by Jad | Oct 27, 2016 | Physical Guitar Components |
Hi Mike, would anything bad happen if i put steel strings on a nylon acoustic? like damage to the bridge, neck, headstock, or nut? Jad by Amber | Oct 25, 2016 | Music Theory |
Hi Mike, When I improvise, or play with others in a band setting and im asked to solo / jam or come up with a melody to something I always start with finding the key , and then playing the respective pentatonic scale over it. What I then do is listen to the music and...