How to play G Chord on Guitar Easily
The G chord for most beginner guitarists is certainly a challenge
Especially when it comes to making chord changes fast enough
This is due to it being spread over multiple strings and being bit of a stretch
Which consequently leaves beginner guitarists wondering, is there an easier way to play the G chord on guitar
For those of you after a quick win I’ve included a diagram that shows the easiest version of G chord possible
Yes practice will eventually help over come difficulties playing the G chord, but this will get you playing faster
For completeness I’ve also included other possible formations of the G chord
However do note that the main purpose of this article is to show you an easy way to play the G chord
The Most Common G Chord Formation
This is the most common form of the G chord which is in every beginners method book
The G chord is an extremely popular chord that’s used in a lot of songs, it is definitely one you want to master
If you are not familiar with reading chord diagrams then check out my beginners chords article

The 0 on the strings mean the string is played open
The X means on the string means that string isn’t played
How to Play G Chord on Guitar, Easy Version
Now you’re probably thinking, yep that first diagram is the G chord alright, but how can it get easier?
Well this is the easiest version of G you can play
All it takes is the third finger on the third fret of the first string
And then you strum the first 4 strings on the guitar
How is this possible you ask?
Well the G chord is only made up of three notes (G, A,D) and you can see by playing the easy version we are only playing 3 notes which happen to be the three notes that make up the G chord
Then why do the other version at all? It’s because the other version(s) give a fuller sound
You see, Chords are made up of lower and upper tetrachords covering the bass and treble
By playing the easy version we are playing the upper tetrachord which technically is still a G chord
In a lot of Jazz text books they call this chord formation the voicing of the chord

The 0 on the strings mean the string is played open
The X means on the string means that string isn’t played
Other G Chord formations
Believe it or not, the G chord can be played in other parts of the guitar
This is because the notes that make up G can be found all over the fretboard
These G Chord formations are much harder than what’s be discussed so far
However this article wouldn’t be complete unless I shared them with you
So finally, here they are: